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Pantone introduce the 'Plus' Series - the new, modern approach to the Pantone Matching System®

  • The 'Plus' Series preserves all of the current colours of the Pantone Matching System® – which it replaces– while adding a host of contemporary colours, for greater design flexibility.
  • Exciting new 'Plus' Series features foster creativity and quality.
  • No new equipment or training is necessary to begin using the 'Plus' Series Colour system. Designers, prepress professionals and printers need only purchase new 'Plus' Series Color Guides and Books to get started.
  • All of the new 'Plus' Series Solid Colours are printed using the existing Pantone Matching System® Basic Colour Inks.
  • The new solid colours are printed at uniform ink film thicknesses, making them easier to match on press.

While 'Plus Series is a completely new range from Pantone, the existing Process Colour, Metallics, Pastels and Neons remain the same.

For information about all the Pantone ranges, including the 'Plus' Series click here.

(Also Includes the latest Selectors for Fashion & Home, Plastics and Colour Devices)

For information about any of our products or services please call our Central Sales Desk on 01895 450333 or click here to e-mail us.